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    • Organization


      Cianjin District Office is staffed with 1 Supervisor, 1 Chief Secretary, 1 Civil Service Ethics Office, 1 Personnel Office, 1 Accounting Office, 1 Secretariat, 1 Military Services&Disaster Prevention Section, 1 Social Welfare Section, 1 Civil Affairs Section.


      Civil Affairs Section          TEL: 2723133 ext. 401-416

      Meditation, civil protection, custom improvement , apartments and buildings, comprehensive services, environment improvement and urban landscaping, women rights promotion, village operation meeting, land administration, social education, high-risk family report, discovery of rescue cases, training and welfare for the head of village and neighborhood, National Health Insurance, dengue fever prevention and control, duty of village secretary, extermination of cockroaches and rats, religions, fire prevention, Hakka culture, aboriginal services, community construction, transportation services, hygienic and sanitary services, soldier-civilian get-together evening party, national education, urban landscaping notification, neighborhood watch, elections, citizen sports, village leisure center, disaster prevention, civic organizations, and village assembly.

      Social Welfare Section          TEL: 2723133 ext. 501-508

      Community development, senior activity center, social welfare and relief, disaster first aid, disposal of unknown corpse, civil protection and sanctuary for victims of natural disaster, single-parent family, child care subsidies, National Health Insurance for 18-year-old youngster, disability assessment, nursing subsidies and commendation ceremonies.

      Military Services & Disaster Prevention Section          TEL: 2723133 ext. 601-604

      Household registration and conscription system, home return check-in, reserve soldier management and draft deferral, management of exit of draftee and resident aliens, application for exit of draftee, suspension and transfer of compulsory military service, vocational training and employment assistance, application for early military retirement, draftee lot drawing, application for alternative military service, conscription, physical re-examination for alternative military service, management of conscription deferment and reservist, militiaman, living support for draftee’s family, condolences for bereaved family members, application for replacement service, military service exemption, military draft deferral due to schooling and draft deferral annulment, military register investigation, physical examination, changes of draftee who do not receive physical examination, regular soldier conscription and conscription deferment, physical re-examination for regular soldier , changes of senior draftee, officer qualification examination, management and control of volunteer enlisted men for military service, military draft deferral due to the extension of study period, application for military service restriction certificate and comprehensive services,urban planning, public constructions, street lamp maintenance, vacant lot management, business  administration, community  greening, tax services, foreclosure auction bulletin.

      Administration Office     TEL: 2723133 ext. 301、303-307、309

      Planning and evaluation, seal/imprimatur, official documentation, filing, general affairs, treasurer, citizen services and the services which does not belong to any other department.

      Accounting Office          Special Line: 2818862

      Annual budget planning, treasury review and statistics.

      Personnel Office          Special Line: 2818869

      Human resource management.

      Civil Service Ethics Office          Special Line: 2113734


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